Breanna Young



I am so glad you are here and can’t wait to partner with you!  Sometimes the routine of life can create cycles of restricted thinking, but let me be a reminder that you were created with great purpose!

A surrendered heart builds a firm foundation

About Brea

Jesus is the main character of my story and my favorite things include those I love.  My free time is filled with travel, exercise, time at the beach, outdoor exploration, and shopping.  All things fashion strike my interest and you’ll most likely see me wearing a fun hat! I’m captivated by meeting new people and hearing their stories.  Scheduling and organization bring me great excitement.  Audio has become my norm, but I’d much rather have a book in hand. I love learning and will forever be a student.  Affirmation is how I receive and serving is how I give.

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love O’ Lord endures forever ~ Psalm 138:8

Life Coaching

Life can be messy, really messy. The truth?  It takes hard work and a whole lot of grace.  Trust me! I get it! Change is uncomfortable, but when we allow ourselves to become pliable, God has the ability to do his best work!  When surrendered, we grow in ways we couldn’t imagine.  Transitions, voluntary or not, can be uncomfortable and scary.  I can help you get comfortable with the uncomfortable and live the life in which you were designed!

The coaching process is a beautifully curated partnership with the purpose of breaking strongholds while discovering internal strength and peace. Life is tough and sometimes our everyday routines can create a cycle of restricted thinking, but you were created with purpose and God will not abandon his purpose in you! Step into the fullness and take what is yours!  Working together, you’ll receive support, tools, strategies, and accountability as you break the chains building a strong foundation, and discover internal freedom and success! Living a life of struggle is not God’s plan for you! He does not want you to be enslaved to a colorless mundane world, he wants you to connect, grow and live a life of abundance!

What Is
Life Coaching?

Life coaching is a beautifully curated relationship designed to break through strongholds while discovering internal strength and peace.


15 years of teaching experience

Masters of Education, Reading, and Literacy

Masters of Theology, Christian Counseling

Doctorate of Theology, Christian Coaching

What Is Education Coaching & Consulting?

Educational coaching and consulting is a partnership designed to assist teachers and families in creating a tailored educational system built for success!

Education Coaching and Consulting

The pivotal point where you want to throw in the towel, my favorite exercise instructor says, “Yes. You. Can!”  This is my message for you!  

Let’s partner in creating a tailored education design where children and families thrive!  Your system will most likely look different than others, but that’s ok.  You’re stepping out of the box to create something new. Together, we’ll create a design that uniquely serves the whole child, building strong foundations for future leaders! 

Parents, I will help you:

  • Squash the fears
  • Build an educational framework
  • Design a discipline/reward system
  • Develop a community support system
  • Create and organize Co-Op groups and Pods
  • Create effective scheduling for optimal learning
  • Provide tools for varied levels, learning styles and personality types
  • Identify curriculum, programs and resources best suited for your family

Let's be friends!

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promise to her. ~ Luke 1:45

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